Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My vewy special memowies of Chawybdis

I will nevew fowget you my sweet and bootiful fwiend.

You wewe aways up fw adventoowes and Mommi loved dwessing you.
she says you wewe the pawfect model, wif such wegal beawing and sense of fun

When I fiwst met you, you wewe still a young giwl, always next to youw twin sissie.
We all looked out fow you and made suwe you would be pwopewly chapewoned

I'll nevew fowget ouw St Paddy's days adventoowes in Iweland and then in New Yawk City

I can't believe how long ago this seems and how ouw little band of fwiends has been dispewsed.
So many awe now ovew the wainbow bwidge..I guess we'll all find each othew thewe someday

I love you and will be youw fwiend fuwwevew

smoochie kisses
youw woofie fwiend


  1. Oh, this made us smile remembering all the good times we shared. ~Socks, Scylla & Fenris

  2. Such lovely memories. Hold on tight to them. Smoochies from us.

    Milo and Alfie xx

  3. we send you purrrrs, gentle paw strokes. Thinking of you.... Darcy, Bing and their Mrs H xxx
